Chiropractic Tables vs. Physical Therapy Tables

Chiropractic Tables vs. Physical Therapy Tables

Mar 21st 2024

Physical therapy and chiropractic care share a number of similarities, especially when it comes to desired outcomes. Both of these important practices can alleviate pain, increase range of motion, and enhance overall quality of life.

In both cases, tables are often the key piece of equipment that allows the provider to give the best possible patient care. We will take a look below at how these tables are used and their similarities as well as their differences.

What Is a Chiropractic Table?

Since chiropractic's earliest days, providers have used tables to perform a wide variety of adjustments on patients. While at first, these were simple wooden tables with no bells and whistles, today's tables come with advanced features, sleek and comfortable designs, and mechanical adjustments that allow for even more powerful adjustments while still maximizing comfort and safety.

What you will find in most standard chiropractic tables today are drop sections in the table, along with a facial cutout, that allow the chiropractor to target specific sections of the body with force. The drop motion of the table also minimizes the amount of physical exertion required by the provider. This was a significant advancement in table design because it also meant fewer strains and injuries for the chiropractor.

What Is a Physical Therapy Table?

A physical therapy table is used to help a wide variety of patients who are recovering from injury or managing the physical limitations brought on by an illness. These tables are used to perform non-invasive stretching exercises that increase mobility and range of motion.

Physical therapy tables are designed to keep patients comfortable during stretches, especially considering that they may be in pain already from injuries. These tables are padded and may come with attachments such as bolsters or straps to keep patients secure.

Chiropractic Tables vs. Physical Therapy Tables

While both types of tables are constructed with patient safety, comfort, and durability in mind, there are definitely distinct differences between the tables you might find in a physical therapy practice versus those you would see in a chiropractor's office.

Both types of tables will generally have some adjustable features (such as height); however, a chiropractic table will be distinguished by drop segments that you will not find on a physical therapy table. Chiropractic adjustments use more force than a physical therapy technique, necessitating these drop options where pressure can be applied to various parts of the spine.

In most cases, a patient will lie face down on a chiropractic table (which has a facial cutout), and physical therapy tables will often have the patient sitting upright or lying down with their head facing up.

Spa Source for Your Equipment Needs

At Spa Source we offer a wide range of the best in equipment, from exam chairs to chiropractic tables and even microdermabrasion machines. Whether you serve clients with facials or massages or you specialize in chiropractic adjustments, we can equip your office with the right tools for the job.

Contact our team to learn more about the products we offer to spas, massage therapy clinics, chiropractic offices, and more.