Spa Source now offers the 4 Motor Remote Controller with 3+1 (3 Memory location of your choosing + 1 Rest) for all top-tier exam chairs.
This remote is compatible with the following platforms: PEDALI / PEDALI OB / KLYNE / KALUM MEDI / KALUM MEDI OB
This "accessory" is considered an "upgrade" since you do not get to utilize the "memory" functionality if you purchase the chase without a "memory" hand remote controller.
Remote also has a "lock" (a safety feature) option & a "reset" (AKA: Return to home) function.
If you've purchase a chair from us anytime prior to 1/1/2022 & need a remote for it please call us before ordering this model, since we will need to sell you the previous version in order for it to function with your chair.